Description »»
Current Transformer LZZBJ9-10 is made indoor cast- -resin insulated, totally-enclosed structure, It's designedfor current, power measurement and relay protection in AC power system with rated frequency 50Hz, rated voltage10kV and below.
Type designation »»
L----Current transformer
Z----Support type
Z----Csting resin insulated
B----With protectiveclass
J----Design sequenceReinforced
9----Design sequenceReinforced
10----Voltage class
(A.B,C)----Structure code
Serice conditon »»»
1.Altitude: Not over 1000m;
2.Ambient temperature: -5C to +40C;
3.Relative humidity: less than 90%, at 20C;
4.No gas, steam, chemical deposition, pollution, explosive gas or etching gas which way badly influnce the ins-ulation of the transformer;
5.No chattering of bumping.
Construction »»>
The product has a leg type, totally- enclosed structure and its ring core, primary winding and secondary winding are castedresin insulated. Reinsforced insulation makes it workable uner humidity condensation nd pollution ll . Three wiring ways are foryour choise (A.B.C).
The outlet marks of the product are: primary P1 to P2, the secondary current from S1 to S2 through outside returncircuit.High voltage appears if secondary return circuit opens while primary current is flowing by.